This scenario comprises the following FastFormat code, and functional equivalents for all other libraries examined:

    struct person_t
        char const* name;
        int         age;
        float       height;

    static const person_t args[] =
            {   "Shrek",    6,      1.99f   }
        ,   {   "Batman",   65,     1.87f   }
        ,   {   "Simon",    40,     1.86f   }
        ,   {   "Farman",   40,     1.84f   }
        ,   {   "Marmaduke, Third Lord of the Fleet, Justice of the Provinces, and Emperor of his own back garden", 101, 1.20f }

    { for(unsigned i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; ++i)
      { for(unsigned k = 0; k != STLSOFT_NUM_ELEMENTS(args); ++k)
        std::string  sink;

        fastformat::fmt(sink, "{0}, {1}, {2}"
                      , args[k].name, args[k].age, args[k].height);

This is the test/performance/performance.test.name_age_height performance test included in the FastFormat 0.2.1 beta 6 distribution.

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